Title: The Priority List
Author: David Menasche
Published: Allen & Unwin January 2014
Status: Read from January 23 to 24, 2014 — I own a copy {Courtesy the publisher}
My Thoughts:
I am so torn in regards to this memoir.
There is no doubt David Menasche was a wonderfully gifted and dedicated teacher, his passion for his career and the testimonials of his students prove that. As a teacher myself I am inspired by those colleagues who are not just educators but also mentors to their students. This man’s passion for teaching is heartwarming and inspirational and that he made a difference for many of his students is not in doubt. Any teacher, or student, could, and should, learn from Menasche’s commitment.
But there were elements of this memoir that made me uncomfortable, decisions he made, not as a teacher but as a person, that I viewed as selfish rather than brave or noble. I feel bad that I am judging him, after all the guy is dying from terminal brain cancer but still…
So, torn.
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