Welcome to the Monthly Spotlight for the
2023 Nonfiction Reader Challenge!
Each month I highlight some of the reviews shared for the challenge in the linky
Don’t forget to link each book you read as you read during the year!
I encourage you to support all participants who have shared what they are reading for the challenge. Give them a like, leave them a comment, share their posts on Facebook, twitter, or instagram #ReadNonFicChal
Of The Science of Murder: The Forensics of Agatha Christie by Carla Valentine Carol of Carol’s Notebook writes, “ I am a huge Agatha Christie [fan] and read a ton of mysteries, so I couldn’t pass up The Science of Murder. The author, Carla Valentine, is a forensic pathology technician and the curator of Barts Pathology Museum in London. She also clearly loves Agatha Christie’s work. The book is a fascinating look at the forensics behind Christie’s mysteries and examples from real crimes of the past.”
Book Shelf Discovery offers an excellent review of Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention – and how to think deeply again by Johann Hari, “I found this book fascinating, impeccably researched and very readable. Johann Hari has has a great ability to take complicated issues and present them in an engaging way. ‘Stolen focus’ also made me angry and a bit depressed, but there’s enough optimism in the book to make me believe that we can, if we put our phones down, start to fight back and reclaim our attention from those who have stolen it.”
“The author’s account of this tragedy in DEAD MOUNTAIN is thoughtful, compelling, and well-researched.” writes Book of Secrets about Dead Mountain: The Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident by Donnie Eichar “A captivating and haunting read for unsolved mystery fans.”
“You may not be a lover of graphic novels, but this layered and complex story might change your mind.” writes Shoe’s Seeds and Stories about Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands by Kate Beaton.
About The Happiness Advantage: How a Positive Brain Fuels Success in Work and Life by Shawn Achor Helen of Helen’s Book Blog writes, “My initial thoughts as I read the introduction and beginning of the book were: finally! Someone is talking about how important it is to know how to be happy…I’d read one of the happiness principals, walk around with it for a while then move on to the next. I like that the ideas are backed up with studies and statistics and a little bit of lay-person neuroscience.”
What will you be reading in MARCH?
Need some inspiration? Check out these posts
2023 Nonfiction Reader Challenge Inspiration #HISTORY #MEMOIR
2023 Nonfiction Reader Challenge Inspiration #SCIENCE #CRIME&PUNISHMENT
2023 Nonfiction Reader Challenge Inspiration #HEALTH #TRAVEL
2023 Nonfiction Reader Challenge Inspiration #FOOD #SOCIALMEDIA
2023 Nonfiction Reader Challenge Inspiration #SPORT #RELATIONSHIPS
2023 Nonfiction Reader Challenge Inspiration #THEARTS #PUBLISHEDIN2023
2023 Nonfiction Reader Challenge Monthly Spotlight #1
2023 Nonfiction Reader Challenge Monthly Spotlight #2
Just a reminder, it is helpful when you post your review if you indicate which category it fulfils for when I put together the Monthly Spotlight.
And don’t forget to share your latest read/review in the Linky
2023 Nonfiction Reader Challenge Monthly Spotlight #3 #ReadNonFicChal Check out some of the latest #Nonfiction book reviews shared last month #readingchallenge at Book’d Out