Title: Get Well Soon! My (un)Brilliant Career As A Nurse
Author: Kirsty Chambers
Published: UQP August 2012
Status: Read on June 08, 2013
My Thoughts:
Despite the pile of books of have awaiting review when I spotted this book on the new acquisitions shelf at my library I couldn’t resist. In Get Well Soon!, Kristy Chambers shares both the good and bad of her ‘(un)Brilliant Career As A Nurse’.
It is unrealistic to ascribe a saintly demeanor to nurses yet it is a societal perception that lingers beyond the legend of Florence Nightingale. Many may be shocked by Kirsty Chambers frank admissions of a career chosen by default rather than passion and her struggle with its daily challenges.
In her various nursing roles, Kristy has to deal with an inordinate amount and type of body fluids, a variety of personalities and situations that are often simultaneously tragic and absurd.
Chambers dry, ‘gallows humor’ – the sort used by law and medical personnel faced with difficult circumstances, can be a little confronting and I am almost ashamed to admit how often I laughed out loud at the misfortune of others, particularly the poor man whose bowel contents ‘redecorated’ a bathroom interior.
Yet I was also moved by the stories of patients struggling to recover from serious sickness, mental illness and injuries, and those who do not survive the ravages of disease. Confronted daily by death and suffering, I am not really surprised Chambers drinks a little too much.
Get Well Soon! is a boldly honest journal of Kristy Chambers experiences as a nurse. I laughed, cringed, winced and laughed some more.
This memoir will not suit someone who is easily offended by crude language, or tends to take everything a bit too seriously, but if you are considering nursing as a profession, I suggest your read this first.
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Filed under: Australian Reading, Australian Women Writers Challenge 2013, ★★★★, Non-Fiction